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Rainbow six vegas 2 cheats pc unlock all

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Rainbow Six - Vegas 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips - CheatbookRainbow Six - Vegas 2 Cheats Answers Questions Hints Tips and Walkthroughs for PC Games.Home |Cheatbook |Latest Cheats |Trainers |Cheats |Cheatbook-DataBase 2016 |Download |Search for Game |BlogBrowse by PC Games Title: A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X lc |Z |0 rainbod 9The encyclopedia of game cheats.

A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs ingames, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or unlocl "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard partof the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase isexactly the resource you would want.

Find even secrets on rainbow six vegas 2 cheats pc unlock all page: Rainbow Six - Vegas 2Rainbow Six - Vegas 2 CheatsRainbow Six - Vegas 2Cheat Codes:-Submitted by: RMDisplay the console window, then enter one of the following codes.Result Code-TAR21 assault rifle (*) - cheatcode 3311xbxby11yM468 assault rifle (**) - cheatcode 1y3a4x2b442x(*) This is a 5.56mm assault rifle.

It is compact and accurate and fires 850rounds per minute. This weapon is ideal for Close Quarter Combat and is anexcellent choice for a close range assault weapon.(**) This is a 6.8mm assault rifle. It is a high powered weapon and fires 750rounds per minute. This weapon has an effective combat range of 600m, is idealfor defeating armored targets, and is best suited for long range encounters.Achievements:-Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscoreUnlockable How to unlock-Covert Ops Specialist (10) - Extract the intel item 10 times with at least 6players presentCluster Bomb (10) - Kill 3 enemies at once using explosives with at least 6players presentSidearm Frenzy (25) - Kill 100 enemies using a Pistol with at least 6 playerspresentCome Closer (20) - Kill 100 enemies using a shotgun with at least 6 playerspresentSpray and Pray (15) - Kill 100 enemies using a Sub-Machine Gun with at least6 players presentOne Shot, One Kill (30) - Kill 100 enemies using a Sniper Rifle with at least 6players presentMachine Gunner (20) - Kill 100 enemies using a Light Machine Gun with at least6 players presentDemo Expert (10) - Defuse 10 bombs in Attack & Defend with at least 6 playerspresentKamikaze (10) - Plant and sux 10 bombs in Attack & Cneats with atleast 6 players presentThe House Always Wins (15) - Host and win 10 matches with at least 6 players presentThree of a Kind (15) - Win 3 consecutive ranked matches in a rowRoyal Flush (30) - Win 100 adversarial matches with at least 6 players presentDouble or Nothin' (10) - Win 2 ranked matches in a rowThe Ace Always Wins (5) - Win your first ranked match onlinePrequel bonus:-Have a saved game file from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas with an "Elite rank".When starting a new game in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 you will be given 2,500experience points, the ballistic face mask, and flight helmet.Infinite Marksman Exp:-Before whats-his-face defuses the bomb, throw a grenade at the door behind him, thenrun to cover behind some boxes to the left (if facing the door) and look onto thebalcony with the MG.

Kill the guy on the MG then look to the left, near the pillar.Another guy cheas respawn there. Kill him, and people will keep respawning IN THESAME SPOT. I recommend using a Veggas or G3KA4 on single shot to rack up the killsbecause you can just shoot in the same spot and you'll keep getting headshots, butthats just me.CQB bonuses:-Reach the indicated level to unlock the bonus.Level 1: 250 experience pointsLevel 2: SPAS 12 ShotgunLevel 3: 500 experience pointsLevel 4: UMP 45 SMGLevel 5: 750 experience pointsLevel 6: XM29 L5S ShotgunLevel 7: 1,000 experience pointsLevel 8: Glock 18 PistolLevel 9: 1,500 experience pointsLevel 10: P90Level 11: 2,000 experience pointsLevel 12: MP7A1 SMGLevel 13: 2,500 experience pointsLevel 14: Skorpion VZ83 SMGLevel 15: 3,000 experience pointsLevel 16: Type 95 Ynlock 17: 4,000 experience pointsLevel 18: AUG PARA Assault RifleLevel 19: 5,000 experience pointsLevel 20: 500 Tactical ShotgunAssault bonuses:-Reach the indicated level to unlock the bonus.Level 1: 250 experience pointsLevel 2: 21E LMGLevel 3: 500 experience pointsLevel 4: Desert Eagle PistolLevel 5: 750 experience pointsLevel 6: G3KA4 Assault RifleLevel 7: 1,000 experience pointsLevel 8: MG36 LMGLevel 9: 1,500 experience pointsLevel 10: Raging Bull PistolLevel 11: 2,000 experience pointsLevel 12: AKS 74U Assault RifleLevel 13: 2,500 experience pointsLevel 14: M249 SAWLevel 15: 3,000 experience pointsLevel 16: FNC Assault RifleLevel 17: 4,000 experience pointsLevel 18: AK 47 Assault RifleLevel 19: 5,000 experience pointsLevel 20: ShieldMarksman bonuses:-Reach the indicated level to unlock the Cheats CheatsCheatsCheatsKampftipps� Seite 2: Keine Rauchgranaten mehr?� Seite 3: Leichte MaschinengewehreDownloads Savegames TrainerGuidesThe Monorail Sniper Tipps und Tricks EinsteigertippsErreichbare RangeKurztipps� Seite 2: Schalldampfer� Seite 3: Thermalsicht Hybrid Wars: Gunstiger Shooter aus der Vogelperspektive von WargamingNach Master of Orion (siehe Test) wird Spielfirma Wargaming ihrem Kassenschlager World of Tanks schon wieder untreu.

Hy (.) mehrWeitere News Bitte uberprufe deine E-Mail-Adresse und versuche es erneut.� Beliebte Artikel� 01 GOTY - 9 Komplettpakete fur PC, PS4 und Xbox One� 02 Fantastische Welten: Auf diese Rollenspiele konnt ihr euch freuen� 03 10 Witze, die nur echte Zocker verstehen� 04 15 Jahre Gamecube von 2001 bis 2016: Delfin im falschen Korper gefangen� 05 Mafia 3: Die ersten Stunden mit Rassismus und brutalen Morden Rainbow Six Vegas 2 si den Charts� Platz 846 von 26.569 in Charts� Isx 498 von 12.073 in PC-Spiele� Platz 280 von 1.796 in Playstation 3-Spiele� Platz 262 von 1.902 in XBox 360-Spiele� Platz 37 von 1.244 in Erschienen 2008� Platz 54 von 919 in Ubisoft-Spielezur Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Diese Seite war fruher unter folgenden URLs erreichbar:��� ?) � Magazin� News� Artikel� Vorschauen� Meinungen� Cheats� Losungen� Fragen� alle Plattformen� Top Spiele� Lords of the Fallen� Fallout 4� Deus Ex - Mankind Divided� GTA 5� Witcher 3� No Man's Sky� Pokemon Go� Journey� 7 Days to Die� MGS 5� Charts� Top PC PS4 PS3 XBox One XBox 360 Wii�U Wii 3DS NDS PS Vita iPhone Android� Alle Spiele� Mitglieder� Registrieren� MemberZone� Fragen und Antworten� Tipps einsenden� Gewinnspiele� Allgemein� Kontakt� Hilfe� Spiele� Tests� Cheats� Magazin� Jobs� Media� Werben auf Spieletipps� Impressum � Half-Life� Super Smash Bros.

for Wii U� Counter-Strike 1.6� Counter-Strike: Global Offensive� GameBanana� Team Fortress 2� Half-Life: Opposing Force� Half-Life 2� Counter-Strike: Source� Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS� Counter-Strike: Condition Zero� frets on fire x� Mario Kart 8� Garry's Mod� Black Mesa� Doom 3� Left 4 Dead 2� Garry's Mod 13� KumaWar II� Far Cry� Half-Life 2: Deathmatch� Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas� Goldsource Engine� Day of Infamy� Alien Swarm� No More Room In Hell� Portal� Killing Floor 2� Undertale� Team Fortress� MinecraftAll games� � Subscribe:Get notified of new submissions like this.� Say Thanks:Show your appreciation by sending InnerConflict points.� Post:Give InnerConflict your thoughts on this Game file.� Vote:Help InnerConflict win the Monthly Awards.� Rate:Give this Game file a rating out of 10.� Flag:Alert moderators and warn members of a problem with this Game file.� Watch:Get notified when this Game file is updated. Installation Instructions:Go to C:User"Your Name"My DocumentsMy GamesUbisoftR6Vegas2Paste everything from apl R6Vegas 2 Folder inside the .rar archive into the R6Vegas 2 Installation folder.Ready to go! Report post 3 years: Posted by ArktomysIt has been 3 years since the last post on the RSV2 GB page.

:Phaha thats true. i saw that gamebanana also added savegames to submit. and i had a good R6V2 savegame so i took the 5 minutes and uploaded it. ^^ Page Module Output as JSON� AtfLeaderboard Module� BtfLeaderboard Module� PrivateMessageAddFormRequester Module� About Module� SignupPromo Module� ItemProfile Module� StructuredData Module� Stats Module� ShareTools Module� Submitter Module� Category Module� MoreInCategorySubmissionsList Module� Game Module� Download Module� AuthorsAndRoles Module� Rating Module� RatingCriteriaBreakdown Module� License Module� Screenshots Module� PostsList Module� AtfSquareBanner Module� BtfSquareBanner Module Cheat CodesWhile playing, press [`] (tilde) to bring down the console.

Type any of the following cheat codes.Code:Result:cheatcode 3311xbxby11yUnlock TAR21 Assault Riflecheatcode 1y3a4x2b442xUnlock M468 Assault RifleAdditional CheatsGo to the location where the game is installed e.g.

C:Program FilesTom Clancy's Unlocm Six Vegas 2KellerGameConfigBefore proceeding further please make a Backup.Open the 'config' folder located under the 'KellerGame' folder. Now look for the following .ini file 'KellerWeaponsConfig'.

Open it with notepad.Now search for the following lines under inlock Heading for the weapon names like [R6Game.ConfigR6PistolMK23] [R6Game.ConfigR6Assault552Commando] .

etcm_iDamageAt0M=35m_iDamageAt5M=30m_iDamageAt20M=25m_iDamageAt50M=15And then change them to:m_iDamageAt0M=999m_iDamageAt5M=990m_iDamageAt20M=999m_iDamageAt50M=999This will Kill all the enemies with 1 shot at any range.You need to edit ALL the values for ALL the weapons in the entire file for this effect to take place or you can choose which weapons you ranbow most. Search for the weapon names in the file.For the AMMO, look for the lines 'm_iDefaultAmmunitionCasual''m_iDefaultAmmunitionNormal'm_iDefaultAmmunitionRealistic' and change the last value to 999 or any higher amount you wish.IF you are playing on CASUAL difficulty, then edit only 'm_iDefaultAmmunitionCasual'.

So change the lines according to the difficulty level of your choice. This change takes place when you Select and start any new game SCENE or rainbow six vegas 2 cheats pc unlock all look for the following 2 lines, which are 'm_iNormalMagSize' 'm_iHighCapacityMagSize' and change the end values to 999.

This change takes place only when you go for the OUTFITTING screen/Menu in the game and select the weapons of your choice and the attachment (if any).For UNLIMITED ammo look for the line 'm_bUnlimitedAmmo=false' and change it to 'm_bUnlimitedAmmo=true'. So this gives unlimited ammunition.The clip never goes down. This seems to work only when you select weapons in the OUTFITTING Menu.Like this we can change other weapon properties like 'Recoil' 'Rate of Fire' etc in the umlock file.For the Explosives and Grenades look for the .ini file 'KellerGadgetsConfig' located under the same 'config' folder and search for the lines:m_iMaxAmmoCasual=10m_iMaxAmmoNormal=5m_iMaxAmmoRealistic=2and change them to :m_iMaxAmmoCasual=999m_iMaxAmmoNormal=999m_iMaxAmmoRealistic=999So this gives the player 999 grenades.

Change the values for rainbbow Grenade Type in the file.IF you want to edit the Grenade DELAY explosions for the player as well as of the Enemies, then open the 'KellerProjectilesConfig' file. There we can see we have 2 lines for the Explosion delay, which are 'm_fPlayerDelayExplosion' and 'm_fTerroDelayExplosion'.INCREASE the values for 'm_fTerroDelayExplosion' as you wish to any high value like 8 or 10, so that you can avert the enemy grenades easily.Increase or decrease the value for 'm_fPlayerDelayExplosion', depending on your personal choice.Please note that If you are using the TRAINER for this game, make sure to deactivate the 'Unlimited Ammo' option, else you won't see any changes made for the Ammo.(supplied by: KingDaniel) Download: Mega TrainerUnlimited Life, Ammo, Grenades, Max Experience Points, Max ACES Points, One Hit Kills, Enemy Confusion, Team Damage Control, Convert Enemy to Friendly, Perfect Accuracy, No Weapon Recoil, Grenade Control, Save/Load Position (Teleport).

Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. Vsgas FOR THE ORIGINAL RETAIL VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions.

Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer. This trainer features customizable hotkeys.

pcc are on an external site and open in a new window) Download: Mega Trainer 1.01Unlimited Life, Ammo, Grenades, Max Experience Points, Max ACES Points, One Hit Kills, Enemy Confusion, Team Damage Control, Convert Enemy to Friendly, Perfect Accuracy, No Weapon Recoil, Grenade Control, Save/Load Position (Teleport).

Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE PATCHED (1.01) RETAIL VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions. Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer. This trainer features customizable hotkeys. (Downloads are on an external site and open in a new window) Download: Mega Trainer 1.02Unlimited Life, Ammo, Grenades, Max Experience Points, Max ACES Points, One Hit Kills, Enemy Confusion (FIXED), Team Damage Control, Convert Enemy to Friendly, Perfect Accuracy, No Weapon Recoil, Grenade Control, Save/Load Position (Teleport).

Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE PATCHED (1.02) RETAIL VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions. Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer.

Gegas trainer features customizable hotkeys. (Downloads are on an external site and open in a new window) Download: Mega Trainer 1.03Unlimited Life, Ammo, Gren3DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� PlayStation� Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Game Boy Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Wii� NES� Xbox� Nintendo 64� And 96 More. I just find a quick way to get ASSAULT POINTS quicklyplay the Kill House stage and hide near empty train carriage behind the power box.This will only make the enemies come in one direction, shoot underneath the carriage when the enemies take cover there to get "Kill Through Points".(Aiming Height Direction)Aim at the thighs. QuestionStatusWhat are the best Assualt rifles,light machine guns,submachine guns,sniper rifles,shotguns,and pistols?AnsweredMy stats are resetted,why?

How can I get my stuff back?UnresolvedDo people still play online?UnresolvedWhat is the best strategy for (ACT 7/SCENE 2 ?)UnresolvedWhat are the best Assualt rifles,light machine guns,submachine guns,sniper rifles,shotguns,and pistols?Answered �� PlayStation 3� Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft� Release: Mar 18, 2008 �� Also on: PC, X360� Franchise: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six�M - Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older.� Help / Contact Us Change Colors� Blue (Default)� Blue on Black� Red� Red on Black� Green� Green on Black� Orange� Orange on Black� Purple� Purple on Black� Cloudy Blue� Grayscale� Sepia� Cotton Candy � �� Info� Add Alt SourceRainbow Six Vegas 2 adds new gameplay features and stunning visuals, players will encounter a solo campaign that uses new tactical possibilities in various locations around Sin City, co-op and adversarial modes, while providing unprecedented interaction between the solo and multiplayer experience.

Read more to get the unlock codes for M468 & TAR21 assault rifles in your region. Premonition 3100d agoIts a good game but i wouldnt say stunning visuals, rainbbow dont know what glasses these people have on.

As for online its not so great until ubisoft releases a patch, as for now I'll stick with single player and some co op. JoelR 3100d agoM468 Rifleat main menu:X360 (HOLD RB) Cehats Y Down A Left X Right B Left Left Right XPS3 (HOLD R1) Up ^ Down X Left [] Right O Left Left Right []PC (in console) CHEATCODE 1Y3A4X2B442XTAR21 Rifleat main menu:X360 (HOLD RB) Down Down Up Up X B X B Y Up Up YPS3 (HOLD R1) Down Down Up Up [] O [] O ^ Up Up ^PC (in console) CHEATCODE 3311XBXBY11Y- -[] = SQUARE ^ = TRIANGLE O = CIRCLE X = XOFCOURSE xhairs 3100d agoEither you siix lots of multiplayer and no single player.or you died alot.

It's practically impossible to get 20/20/20 on your first time through.even on realistic there's just not enough terrorists to kill!I'm 16/20/12 and I'm on my second way through, not to mention the couple.yes.3 - 4 hours.i got to play terrorist hunt without getting the God awful BOOT OF NO EXPLANATION!!

:D.Now I can understand if you got your Marksman/CQB to 20 on your first time through.but Assault? No way, there's not enough ropes or equipment boxes (to refill c4) or even enough "cover" to shoot through to get to 20. Assumedkilla 3100d agoI don't know what some of you guys are complaining about, I have beat the campaign and am fully ranked in unlkck 3 ACES categories and I haven't run into any bugs. I've been in a few laggy rooms, but that' the case with any online game, its nowhere near as buggy as Gears of War was.

I think its the best game this year so far, so I wouldn't call it mediocre either. SeNiLe911 3099d agofor some reason, twice, I have had a hard time taking out a guy on the turret on the stage of the Theater map. Once I was even behind the guy and he would not go down until he got off the turret. � News� Trainers� Fixes� Cheats� PC� Console� DreamCast� GameCube� Nintendo 64� Nuon� Playstation� Playstation 2� Playstation 3� Playstation 4� Saturn� Super Nintendo� Wii� Wii U� Xbox� Xbox One� Xbox 360� Mobile� Android� GameBoy� GameBoy Advance� iOS� Playstation Portable� Virtual Boy� Mods� Sx Freeware� More� Videos� Rigs� Demos� Emulators More Fheats Six: Vegas 2 Cheqts [DU]LamiTom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (Unlocker)� Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 v1.01 (+7 Trainer)� Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (Unlocker)� Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 v1.01 (+7 Trainer)� Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (+7 Trainer)� Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 v1.02 (+7 Trainer)� Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 v1.03 (+7 Trainer)� Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (+3 Trainer) [Abolfazl.k]Add new comment � Daily Dispatch� Videos� Top Lists� Features� News� PS4� Xbox One� PC� Wii U� Xbox 360� PS3� 3DS� Vita� Wii� DS� PSP� PS2� Xbox� GameCube� PSOne� N64� GBA� Game Boy� Dreamcast� DVD � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Cegas You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Ranbow Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! Cheat CodesWhile playing the game, display the console window, then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: ResultCheat CodeM468 Assault Rifle [Note 1]cheatcode 1y3a4x2b442xTAR-21 Assault Rifle [Note 2]cheatcode 3311xbxby11yNote 1: This 6.8mm assault rifle is a high powered weapon and fires 750 rounds per minute.

This weapon has an effective chdats range of 600m, is ideal for defeating armored veegas, and is best suited for long range encounters.Note 2: This 5.56mm assault rifle is compact and accurate and fires 850 rounds per minute.

This weapon is ideal for Close Quarter Combat and is best suited for a close range assault weapon. Assault bonusesReach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus:Level 1: 250 experience points Level 2: 21E LMG Level 3: 500 experience points Level 4: Desert Eagle Pistol Level 5: 750 experience points Level 6: G3KA4 Rainbow six vegas 2 cheats pc unlock all Rifle Level 7: 1,000 experience points Level 8: Vegqs LMG Level 9: 1,500 experience points Level 10: Raging Bull Pistol Level 11: 2,000 experience points Level 12: AKS 74U Assault Rifle Level 13: 2,500 experience points Level 14: M249 SAW Level 15: 3,000 experience points Level 16: FNC Assault Rifle Level 17: 4,000 experience points Level 18: AK 47 Assault Rifle Level 19: 5,000 experience points Level 20: ShieldCQB bonusesReach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus:Level 1: 250 experience points Level 2: SPAS 12 Shotgun Level 3: 500 experience points Level 4: UMP 45 SMG Level 5: 750 experience points Level 6: XM29 L5S Shotgun Level 7: 1,000 experience points Level 8: Glock 18 Pistol Level 9: 1,500 experience points Level 10: P90 Level 11: 2,000 experience points Level 12: MP7A1 SMG Level 13: 2,500 experience points Level 14: Skorpion VZ83 SMG Level 15: 3,000 experience points Level 16: Type 95 SMG Level 17: 4,000 experience points Level 18: AUG PARA Assault Rifle Level 19: 5,000 experience points Level 20: 500 Tactical ShotgunMarksman bonusesReach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus:Level 1: 250 experience points Level 2: SV 98 Sniper Rifle Level 3: 500 experience points Level 4: TAR21 Assault Rifle Level 5: 750 experience points Level 6: M468 Assault Rifle Level 7: 1,000 experience points Level 8: 92FS Pistol Level 9: 1,500 experience points Level 10: M40A1 Sniper Rifle Level 11: 2,000 experience points Level 12: AUG A3 Assault Rifle Level 13: 2,500 experience points Level 14: PSG1 Sniper Rifle Level 15: 3,000 experience points Level 16: M8 Assault Rifle Level 17: 4,000 experience points Level 18: L85A2 Assault Rifle Level 19: ccheats experience points Level 20: L96 Arctic Warfare Sniper RifleA.C.E.S.

pointsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding number of A.C.E.S. points:Assault+3: Kill an enemy or player behind cover with penetrating weapons.

+3: Kill an enemy or player with C4. +2: Kill an enemy or player who is chats a mounted machinegun. +2: Kill an enemy or player with a frag grenade or breaching charge.

+2: Kill an enemy or player who is using a riot shield.Marksmanship+3: Kill an enemy or player at long range. +3: Kill rrainbow enemy or player when they are on a rope. +2: Kill an enemy or player while you are rappelling. +2: Kill an enemy or player who is sprinting. +1: Kill an enemy or player with a headshot.Close Combat+3: Kill an enemy or player at short range. +3: Kill an enemy or player who is stunned or flashbanged. +3: Kill an enemy or player by blind-fire. +3: Kill an enemy or player from behind.Easy A.C.E.S.

pointsStart a Terrorist Hunt game with "Lone Wolf" off. Set the difficulty to Realistic, and use the Killhouse map. Set the amount of enemies to low-medium, then start the game. Make sure to bring C4 for the Assault po� Raunbow Dispatch� Videos� Top Lists� Features� News� PS4� Xbox One� PC� Wii U� Xbox 360� PS3� 3DS� Vita� Wii� DS� PSP� PS2� Xbox� GameCube� PSOne� N64� GBA� Game Boy� Dreamcast� DVD � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Sll We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Ppc Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! M468 Assault RifleAt the "Press Start" screen, hold RB and press Up, Y, Down, A, Left, X, Right, B, Left(2), Right, X to unlock the M468 Assault Rifle.

This 6.8mm assault rifle is a high powered weapon and fires 750 rounds per minute. Cegas weapon has an effective combat range of 600m, is ideal for defeating armored targets, and is best suited for long range encounters. TAR-21 Assault Unlocl the "Press Start" screen, hold RB and press Down(2), Up(2), X, B, X, B, Y, Up(2), Y to unlock the TAR-21 Assault Rifle.

This 5.56mm assault rifle is compact and accurate and fires 850 rounds per minute. This weapon is ideal for Close Quarter Vsgas and is best suited for a close range assault weapon.

One-hit killsPause the game in Single Player mode, then hold RB and click Left Analog-stick, Right Analog-stick, Left Analog-stick, Right Analog-stick, press A, B, click Left Analog-stick, Vegad Analog-stick, Left Analog-stick, Right Analog-stick, press X, Note: This also enables one-hit kills for your player. GI John Doe modePause the game, then hold RB and click Left Analog-stick(2), press A, click Right Analog-stick(2), press B, click Left Analog-stick(2), press X, click Right Analog-stick(2), rwinbow If you entered the code correctly, the message "GI John Doe Mode" will appear.

In this mode, blue and red lasers are shot. Stronger ragdoll effectPause the game in Single Player mode, then hold RB and press A(2), B(2), X(2), Y(2), A, B, X, Note: You must be signed out of Xbox Live for this code to work in Story mode. It will work at any time in Terrorist Hunt mode. Third person viewPause the game in Single Player mode, then hold RB and press X, B, X, B, click Left Analog-stick(2), press Y, A, Y, A, click Right Analog-stick(2).

Note: You must be signed out of Xbox Live for this code to work in Story mode. It will work at any time in Terrorist Hunt mode. Big headsPause the game in Single Player mode, then hold RB and press B, X, A, Y, click Left Analog-stick, press Y, A, X, B, click Right Analog-stick.

Comcast Optimized multiplayer mapAt the main menu, select the "Extras" option. Choose the "Comcast Gift" option, then enter " Comcast Faster" as a case-sensitive password on the virtual keyboard to unlock the "Comcast Optimized" multiplayer map.

Prequel bonusHave a saved game file from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas with an "Elite" rank on your hard drive or memory card to get 2,500 experience points, the ballistic face mask, and flight helmet when starting a new game.

Assault bonusesReach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus:Level 1: isx experience points Level 2: 21E LMG Level 3: 500 experience points Level 4: Desert Eagle Pistol Level 5: 750 experience points Level 6: G3KA4 Assault Rifle Level 7: 1,000 experience points Level 8: MG36 LMG Level 9: 1,500 experience points Level 10: Raging Bull Pistol Level 11: 2,000 experience points Level 12: AKS 74U Assault Rifle Level 13: 2,500 experience points Level 14: M249 SAW Level 15: 3,000 experience points Level 16: FNC Assault Rifle Level 17: 4,000 experience points Level 18: Pv 47 Assault Rifle Level 19: 5,000 experience points Level 20: ShieldCQB bonusesReach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus:Level 1: 250 experience points Level 2: SPAS 12 Shotgun Level 3: 500 experience points Level 4: UMP 45 SMG Level 5: 750 experience points Level 6: XM29 L5S Shotgun Level 7: 1,000 experience alp Level 8: Glock 18 Pistol Level 9: 1,500 experience points Level 10: P90 Level 11: 2,000 experience points Level rainbow six vegas 2 cheats pc unlock all MP7A1 SMG Level 13: 2,500 experience points Level 14: Skorpion VZ83 SMG Level 15: 3,000 experience points Level 16: Type 95 SMG Level 17: 4,000 experience points Level 18: AUG PARA Assault Rifle Level 19: 5,000 experience po

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